Sunday, March 29, 2009

I have been pretty busy the last week. It is spring break and so the kids have been home. Brandon got his License and has been driving Robbie around and running errands. It adds another worry to my long list of worries. Meghan has been running around to friends and sleeping over so she has been here and there. Then on top of that, Troy has been home sick with the flu. My week has been far from quiet, but I have gotten some things accomplished.
I finished my knit shawl. I added a crochet trim to the ends and I think it looks great, but best of all I have something to wrap around my shoulders when they get chilled in the evenings.
I hemmed and decorated the net curtains, (sheers) for the kitchen window. I found two ivory panels for $2.50 so it was a bargain for sure.

I went out to my studio (converted garden shed) and made beads. That was a great day of escape for me. I love my family dearly, but to be alone for a while with my thoughts is also a gift. I told Troy it felt like I was retreating to my cave, rather like a man who doesn't want to help cleaning up after Sunday dinner, but I needed some time. They are still on the mandrels in this picture but you get the idea.

I also made headway on my spring skirt, but I burned my pinky on the iron and that put a stop to that for the day, not a bad burn but enough to make me want to sit and cool it for a while.
In the last two weeks I have read 6 novels. I have been enjoying trashy love books and now I am ready for something serious and meaningful again. Monday will be library day and I will try to find something good to sink my teeth into.
Monday the kids go back to school and Tuesday Troy will go back to work and I will have my house back, no soda cans left on the table, dishes left laying on the couch, all my potato chips eaten, wait that is probably a good thing.

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