Friday, June 25, 2010

Thunder storms and computers

Summer, my least favorite time of the year. Hot and sticky and unfortunately skimpy clothes that don't flatter a larger frame. I should also mention my white legs that I am afraid to tan because, 1. I burn, and 2. Tanning is bad for you. So I go out in jeans or capri pants so I don't subject unsuspecting strangers to the blinding brightness. This is a vicious circle that means my legs stay white because they never see the suns rays.
I am glad that the weather is fair, driving to school is much more pleasant when I can see the road. Unfortunately there has been one thunderstorm after another the last few weeks. I have managed to avoid the worst during my drives. This weather means that when I get home I cannot get on my deck lounger and enjoy a few rays or take Meghan to the pool. The dogs freak out any time there is thunder near, even when we can't hear it. One night I had both of them on my lap in the recliner, I get upset when they don't keep their claws off my sleep short clad legs.
Troy's computer is sick, it is in to see the doc. It will take a while to get home, hopefully recovered. He is hopping on mine to check email and facebook and whatever else he does. I don't mind at all as I am not using it most of the time. I feel bad for him though as I hate not to have my own things where I want them and I know he is feeling lost with my laptop. I hope his baby is home and well soon.
On my days off I have appointments and errands to run. Today I get the unparalleled joy of visiting the dentist. I really like my dentist and he is a great guy, I just wish he would stay out of my mouth with that drill.
Yesterday I had an A & P test and a Sociology test. My last A & P test was an 87% which is not too bad. All my labs have been 100% so I am holding my own in this summer session so far. This weekend I have to study the skeletal system and get all the bones down in the skull. I am such a party animal right now. (humming: the leg bone is connected to the thigh bone...). Sociology has not been as much fun as I thought it would be, but then as long as I pass the class I don't care. Of course passing isn't really enough to perfectionist me, but with this teacher I feel that it will have to be.
So, I am excited about the Eclipse movie next week. My family tease me about it but I love the story. I am not in love with the characters but with the enduring love they have, the things that people would do to save the one they love. Too mushy? Maybe but I don't care; we all need an escape.
True blood has started again, but since we don't have HBO I haven't seen any of it. Of course I want my dose of Eric, but that will have to wait.
Several other shows I usually watch with Meghan are on the back burner too, hells kitchen for one. New shows started this week that look really good but I just can't get sucked in right now. I am not a huge TV fan, a book is so much better.
Plans for this weekend? Hummmm, study, pick up van from the shop (expensive repair bill), study, financial aid paperwork for fall, study, annoy kids by asking them to do chores, study, and so on and study and so on.

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