Saturday, July 31, 2010

Goodbye Craft Books.

Yesterday I wrote a long post and when I tried to add an image lost it all. So here I go again with a new post that probably has little to do with the first one. I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday let alone some random rambling thoughts.
School is out. I took my last tests in A & P and Sociology on Tuesday. So far only Soc has been graded and I got an A. I must say those 50 point nights (just for showing up) helped with that. We worked hard for those 50 points because just being there was a major chore. A subject that should be interesting and fun to learn becomes ultimately boring in the wrong hands. I am glad it is over. I am still waiting on the Anatomy grade. I will update when it comes in. (Yeah! I got a B).
Fall semester begins in 2 weeks. I have a test on critical thinking to take on the 12th and then classes start on the 16th. What is critical thinking anyway? I have the basic idea, but the concept is very arbitrary. I have a very full load and after picking up my books on Monday I am more than a little intimidated. (picture the screamer.) There were 10 books required for the 3 nursing classes I am taking. Of course some of them are going to be used throughout the curriculum; the drug guide for instance. I also signed up for A & P II which is totally insane of me but I want to get it done and since I have to drive to Bloomington for it, I want it done before the weather is too bad. I was lucky and got the same teacher I had over the summer, and I think it will be a little easier because it is a 16 week class instead of the crazy 8 week one I just finished. (let me just keep telling myself that).
On Friday I enlisted Robbie's help and moved all the craft books I had beneath my printer to a dark cupboard so I could stack my school books there. It was more than a little sad to see all my carefully collected books being put away, but honestly I don't remember the last time I looked at them for anything. I should probably purge them, but after the huge investment it is hard to let go.

My wrist problems I mentioned a couple of posts ago continue. The doctors office called and told me that I have a partial tear of my ulna triangular cartilage. YEAH ME! I looked it up on line and most of the sites were medical and really hard to read but I did gather that the treatment was a splint and or cast. When I see the orthopedic doc on Monday (the same one who gave Troy his two new hips), I will listen to what he has to say and then beg for the splint. I cannot do clinicals with a cast, washing my hands the correct way is going to be hard enough. I probably will have to get a note for using my wrist for lifting and such too I bet. Nothing is ever easy. I seem to have to most problems with it when I am taking notes though. I hope we have a lot of handouts and little note taking.
I haven't done much of anything since Tuesday. I have been getting things ready for School. I have some notebooks that I bought and stuck in all the abbreviations from the CNA class and copied liquid measures and conversions in the back. I need to add the blood pressure, pulse and respiration values and conversions from centigrade to Fahrenheit/pounds to Kilograms and that sort of thing. I guess it will be my little cheat sheet.
Troy has told the kids their rooms need to be cleaned by the time school starts and he told me the same thing. Damn, that is going to take a while. I have some mending for the kids to do. I suppose that means getting the sewing machine out. Robbie went into my shed where I bead yesterday and said the spiders have taken over. I guess I need to bug-bomb before I work out there again. I really don't want them on me when I am working. Actually I don't want them on me at any time.
What I guess I am saying with this whole post is, I get to breath for 2 weeks and then I get to hyperventilate for 16. In my handy-dandy scrub pockets I need a paper bag for those times when it gets totally overwhelming, and I also need to smell the roses now and again. I really hope they have a strong perfume that I can whiff while I am flying by.

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